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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Book Launch for Diana Spechler's Skinny!

Diana Spechler's second novel Skinny is about to be released & available for pre-order on right now. To celebrate this momentous occasion she will be hosting book launches in three cities across the country. I strongly suggest if you can make it, to do so. Each event will include a reading/signing and promises to be amazing. This is the women who single-handedly got me interested in writing; her wit and sense of humor are unparalleled. This is a soiree not to be missed.
Dates & times are listed...for more information check out her website.

MAY 2, 2011: Book Court, 163 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY, 7 pm

MAY 5, 2011: The Concord Bookshop, 65 Main Street, Concord, MA, 7 pm

May 12, 2011: Barnes and Noble, 7700 West Northwest Highway, Dallas, TX, 7 pm

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