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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Teen Mom!!!! Tonight at 10pm on MTV.

As I've been telling you, Teen Mom is about to be in full effect. The season 2 Premiere is tonight at 10pm ET.

Catch up on what's going on with Farrah, Maci, Catelynn and Amber.

Here's a clip of Tyler from tonight's episode.
He's crying. It's heart breaking to watch them deal with the pain of giving Carly up for adoption and how it is still tearing at their soul's. I hope all this stress doesn't cause a break up because they are my favorite's.

Not to mention I cant wait to see what happens with Farrah's CRAZY ASS MOM!

Tune in tonight 10pm; if you're going out Tivo it. This is must see TV, fo' real.

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