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Friday, July 30, 2010

Katherine Denby headbands hit Chickdowntown!!

Fantastically fashionable, up and coming designer Kate Morse is now avilable online!

Kate has always spent a ton of time shopping second hand stores for remnants of lace and beautiful antique pins.
That is where her brainchild Katherine Denby was born; from there it has grown and we are so proud to see the mature and delicate collection now featured at
The current selection is of beautiful pastels, lace and amazing crystals.
My personal favorite is the thin nude 20's inspired Cassandra. I need it, now.
It is such an easy essential for everyone's fall wardrobe. I love the neutral band,that will go with everything!

Vintage, inspired head bands with just the right amount of sparkle. Yet, super comfortable so they can easily become your every day go-to. Plus the price points are amazing; starting at just 40$ +.
I am telling you, this girl has just the right balance of fashion and function in her collections.
Whenever I rock my Katherine Denby headpieces, dozens of people ask me where I scored it. Now i can direct them to and they can get a little shine for themselves.
The well known online retailer often embraces new designers before they explode into the main stream. So watch out world, Katherine Denby is the hottest new head wear to rock.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh take me to your Palace..

Yves Saint Laurent will be unleashing it's latest beast and she's not going to play nice.
With a 105 millimeter curved heel and fur detailing, these shoes will monster out any other fall prospects.
Picture them with a textured pair of bordeaux colored tights; or Spanx in my case and a cute little romper. Complete with a long homeless tattered sweater over it. Amazing.
Guarantee these heels will be on Taylor Momsen's feet in no time.
They will be released on YSL.COM in August and are already trickling in to stores; with the full selection available by early September.
Entry level pricing starts at $720 for all suede styles and those with fur detailing will run just a little over a thousand.

While we are on the subject of our favorite fashion house, Check out the new collection of men's sneakers that Stefano Pilati has put together for Spring/Summer 2011.
This little preview was peeped by the company this morning.
I am going to snap up all these sneaks, so my BF can be outfitted in style.
Just remember, there's nothing worse than wack-ass shoes.

What a lady-like way to cover up renovations..Only in New York.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fabulous Brunch on Orchard St.

You know I am a sucker for a good brunch, but this is a GREAT brunch.
A delicious
menu complete with UNLIMITED MIMOSA'S!!

Served Saturday & Sunday from 11am-4pm.

Plus, it's a fantastic area to walk around.

Take a stroll by the
Yumi Kim store on Stanton while you're over there.

Located at
191 Orchard Street
New York, NY 10002-1415
(212) 228-9888

Click here for their website.

You asked for it & you got it. Mike Ellison is BACK at COMIX!!

Wednesday Aug 4th at 9:30pm Mike will be slayin' it, once again.
Same story as last time; two drink minimum.
Call and make a reservation. Let them know you are going to see Mike Ellison to snag the reduced 10 $ cover.

After the rave review's and fantastic outpouring of support Mike received after his last performance, Comix needed him back ASAP! Come out to see a hysterical show, get a couple of drinks in you and potentially see some really famous comedians.
Last time, Judah Friedlander was there. This time? Who knows?

Trust me, you don't want to miss this and be kicking you're self later. When he's a huge star & you're home jerking off on your couch. ya' got me?

Comix # is 212-524-2500

Facebook invite here.

Wild for this dress and for Tracy DiMarco in it.

I love this dress. I wish I could wear it everyday of the week; along with my 6 inch glitter tranny heels and spiked googles.

Tracy look's ready for her new season of Jerseylicious to kick off!! Season 2 starts Sept. 5th at 9/8c on Style Network.

If you're not up to date; season 1 re-run's are every Friday at 9 on E!

I did some investigative work and found out the dress comes from a store called Pop Culture in New Jersey.
I'm calling and ordering mine today. I suggest you do the same.

Yes, indeedy..

Teen Mom!!!! Tonight at 10pm on MTV.

As I've been telling you, Teen Mom is about to be in full effect. The season 2 Premiere is tonight at 10pm ET.

Catch up on what's going on with Farrah, Maci, Catelynn and Amber.

Here's a clip of Tyler from tonight's episode.
He's crying. It's heart breaking to watch them deal with the pain of giving Carly up for adoption and how it is still tearing at their soul's. I hope all this stress doesn't cause a break up because they are my favorite's.

Not to mention I cant wait to see what happens with Farrah's CRAZY ASS MOM!

Tune in tonight 10pm; if you're going out Tivo it. This is must see TV, fo' real.

Boots & Boys!

Fall fashion is on my mind and I want these boots.
They are the Shirley Riding boot by Frye.
Problem is, I cant find them in my size & I want to cry.

The Hottness.

Oh, and here's some boy's just to keep the title relevant ;)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Free Music at Coney Island tomorrow..Welcome to the Siren Music Festival.

Every summer the Village Voice puts on a free festival at vintage Coney Island.
This summer solstice of music is
this Saturday, July 17th from noon-9pm.

The bands playing are :
















Click here for performance times

The excitement of listening to new and free music isn't enough of a draw? Then maybe you should think about the last time you went all the way down to Coney Island? Have you ever enjoyed the deep fried dough and salty smells of this nautical oasis? If not, your in for a treat. It is easily accessible by the D,F,N & Q Trains. I cant think of a better way to spend my Saturday than running around this antique carnival on the beach; listening to tunes and knocking back some dranks. who's with me?

Click here for all information pertaining to this event.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

One too many funnel cakes at the carnival? Tyler Peterson's NO Bullshit bootcamp.

First class is free, so I say? why the fuck not.

This sounds totally intense and I love that.
Tyler Peterson is a personal trainer and a government weapons instruction. Hot. He boasts an impressive list of clients and has a body to DIE for.

Meet at 22nd and the West Side Highway and get ready to sweat it out right on Chelsea Piers, Saturday July 17th 11:50 am.
Class starts at 12 noon.

Check out the Facebook invite for more information.

Save the date for Starlight's Night Under the Stars.

Starlight children's foundation helps seriously ill children and their family's in desperate times of need and isolation.
The organization partnered up with American Airlines to throw their second annual "Night Under the Stars" benefit.
It will be held atop the acclaimed rooftop garden at 230 Fifth on Monday September 13th.
I got involved with this charity through a close friend who is extremely passionate about the cause; during the holiday season I sent a sick child in the hospital a stuffed bear for only 25 $.
Instead of buying two more drinks for my selfish ass at the bar the night before, I spent my money productively and brightened a really sick kids day.
It that felt awesome.

I knew this was an organization I wanted to be involved with because they focus on lifting the children's spirits through education, entertainment and inspiration.
I am sure you will fell the same amazing out pouring of support for Starlight after attending this event.
This is an amazing date night, a chance to show off your more philanthropic side.
In addition, to it being an amazing networking opportunity.

More information to come, I just wanted everyone to pencil it in while making their fall social calendar.

Steal of the day!! Burberry isnt for squares.

This Burberry black lacquer bangle is Amazing; so mod and so fabulous.
Nothing says tough-chic, like black and brass together. The best part of it all is?
This fantastic accessory is on Gilt today for 235 $ marked down from 795$.
There is a great assortment for sale, along with the bangle until noon 7/16 ET.
The craftsmanship on these pieces is to die for.
Manufactured in Italy, so all are sturdy and made of quality materials.

If you dont already belong to Gilt Groupe Click here to join!!

While Im at it..YSL Cape-tivating..

Check out this sick screen shot, of the new YSL.COM online shopping homepage. The cape in the first shot is out of this world and don't even get me started on that fantastic black, floppy hat.

Yay! YSL made some shoes for my hetro-boys.

I dedicate my life to the gays, don't get me wrong; but every once and a while a girl likes to see a fashion house make something I can buy my boyfriend without him looking puzzled or like he wants to cry.
Yves Saint Laurent has done it well with the Malibu sneaker.
Ring up at 475 $ they are not just for the fashionista or the sneaker head; but for the man who wants to invest in a slick pair of sneakz'.
The design is sophisticated, not as urban looking as many sneakers have been as of lately.
Available in black patent leather and also a deep brown at Yves Saint Laurent boutiques and soon on the website at YSL.COM

So if your boy has been a good one..maybe it's time for a little treat.

Having a fashion panic attack..for Valentino.

Pictures courtesy of Get to the site now!! They are bringing you perfect shots from all the Fall 2010 couture shows.
My favorite
accoutrement of all, this season was the bow gloves sashaying down the runway at the Valentino show.
Gloves of all shapes and sizes; from white patent half gloves to full length nude gloves covered with multiple bows.
I am a huge fan of gloves period.
They can add class and elegance or just as easily add edge and attitude; depending on the materials and detailing. The gloves showcased in this year's show cover all the bases.

Check out's shot's from the show and pay special attention to the gloves! ah! I love them.
My personal favorite shots are #'s 31,40,12,13,16,19,24,26.
In case your interested.

Mike Ellison killed it at Comix.

Mike Ellison is clearly one to be watched; an up and coming comedian who pulls from real life experiences to connect with the diverse crowd in front of him.
Personal highlights of the night were his discussions on "man-tit's" and "garbage picking."
Two topics, anyone can relate to.

Mike had the room roaring throughout his 10 minute set.
It was littered with obscenities, just the way I like it and touched upon topics such as living at home with your parents and child molestation. His bit on Dateline NBC's "To Catch a Predator" literally brought tears to my eyes.

Boys and girls were hysterical, worlds funnier than the mouse-y girl with the dull "Animal Planet" jokes and the 18 year old guido from the Bronx, that also graced the stage that same night.
Even as Mike fumbled with the microphone stand, he had the audience's attention and laughter.
I'm telling you, if he keeps it up the girls will be flashing him at shows in no time. Me included :)

Another highlight of the evening was when Judah Friedlander jumped up on stage!
A fantastic stand up comic, Judah is also one of the stars of the hit show 30 Rock.
With his serious fro' and amazing beard, I'd let him take me home any night. ;)

In short, stay tuned B&B for more information on when & where to see Mike Ellison.
Huge shout out to Comix for hosting one kick ass night of comedy and big up's to all the other new talent that was out on Tuesday it rocked.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies from my favorite "cook" Bethenny Frankel. LOVE HER!!!

Under the Weather Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

1 3/4 cup oat flour

1/4 cup soy margarine room temperature
1-cup honey
1/2-cup no salt creamy natural peanut butter (room temperature)

3/4 cup chocolate chunks (I broke up chocolate bars, because that is what I have in the house)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp of salt

1.Preheat oven to 375 degrees
2.In large bowl, combine all ingredients and combine using a rubber spatula or wooden spoon

3.Thoroughly combine using an immersion blender or hand mixer
4.Line sheet pan w parchment to prevent sticking. Scoop w 3 oz ice cream scoop onto sheet pan
5.Bake for 20 minutes rotating halfway through

6.Cool and serve

*Makes 7 cookies

Got this recipe from B. Frankel's Facebook page. I get so siked when she posts new things. Everything is really straight forward and easy to make, which is key for a zero in the kitchen like me :) Thank u Bethenny; because of you, I too can create meals for my friends without shame & embarrassment.

p.s- you make one damn fine margarita..

Check her out on Facebook now.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jesus Christ, Danielle Staub is invading my favorite place in the world.

Danielle Staub from Real Housewives of New Jersey will be hosting a party and blowing somebody! at the Ice Palace & Grove Hotel.

At Cherry Grove
, my home away from home.

My sanctuary, my beach.
To top it off shes singing. Her Hit new song? who knew?
God, I wish I had Andy Cohen's bank roll.$$$$$$$$

I would love to see Dina roll up with Grandma Wrinkles and whip some ass; however, like witnessing a slow moving car crash I will watch and not look away. Against every moral fiber of my being. Oh, who am I kidding I have no morals.

Seriously, if you are bored,beautiful & free Tomorrow Saturday July 10th and looking for some good ol' trashy fun; slip on a body condom and head over to Fire Island to party with Danielle from RHWONJ.

Oh, and please tip generously..the Staff of the Palace work their asses off to turn out amazing events for you people!!!

Click here for Facebook Invite.



Toph Daddy is it & it's in stock!!

I wish I could buy stock in this company, because
Toph Daddy is about to explode.

The entire team behind the ingenious conversation starting T-shirt line is amazing.

National Jean Company received our order today; in both Upper East Side and Murray Hill locations. So be sure to pick them up before you leave for the beach this weekend.

Tons of styles to choose from; an adorable short sleeve burn out tee in Pink/Navy and Black/Sliver.
A destroyed tee in Black/Pink and Grey/Black; I absolutely LOVE this style because of the amazing detailing!! Rep your bad ass attitude with a little shredding around the collar and fraying on the sleeves. It looks like you got in a bar fight and won :)

Also last, but certainly not least my favorite the 3/4 baseball tee burn out in Cream/Pink with a green sleeve or Black/Silver with a cream sleeve. All styles come with area code 212 on the front and "The City" on the back.

Don't think I forgot my hoe's in different area codes ;)

National is only carrying 212 styles as of right now, but you can reach out to
Toph Daddy through their website
to ask them directly about your hometown.

Welcome to Commando Cotton.

I am a die hard Commando fan. Made by the company
Her Look.

From a stylist point of view their nude nylon seamless thong is an absolute necessity.
Let's face it, some garments are too sheer or tight to wear very much of anything underneath.
So in a dire need to ensure you're client doesn't have any picture mishap's with a full on hoo-ha shot. Commando is a god send.

I am thrilled that this company is creating tons of new exciting lines and creating solutions for today's fashion problems.
So, I proudly introduce Commando Cotton. The first line of thongs made from light weight breathable cotton and still remains seamless under clothing. Amazing!!!
Quickly, these will become your new everyday go-to.
New York, I know you can appreciate the concept of breathable, seamless wonders since it has been such a scorcher these past two weeks.

We just received a fresh shipment at National Jean Company.
In addition we got in the new Tulip Thong in a plethora of colors.
I fell in love with this amazing green color called Grass. It's truly to die for.
Of course, standard nylon seamless thongs are fresh stocked as well.
Low Beams, nipple concealing adhesives are also in. Amazing when going bra-less (Only in my dreams!) Perhaps you're self conscious in that bathing suit? Low Beams are eqipped with super sticky grip, so they aren't going anywhere!
Also stocked on our shelves my complete obsession Matchsticks fashion tape.
I don't care what any one says, Scotch double stick just doesn't work as well.
Maybe, it's a mental thing.
Maybe I am just a complete label whore even down to my double stick tape?
Well, try it out and let me know what you're thoughts are.
Next Her Look purchase on my list? Commando Tiny Thong.
It sounds daring and I like that.

Anyway, Stop by and scoop up all your Her Look needs at Natty Jean; Click for locations.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ga ga OoOh la la..Good Morning.

Madly in love. She is all set to preform live on NBC Today Show tomorrow July 9th between 7am - 11am.

I would have been camping out in the heat for her; had I not been obligated to work at 9:30 tomorrow..another day, another gaga...

If you are interested in camping out by Rockefeller Center, I suggest RUNNING there now..word on the street is there are already over 500 little monsters waiting for a chance to see New York's twisted pop princess.

Otherwise, Just check your local listing & tune in!
You know, I got that shit on Tivo.

Mike Ellison..Back to stand up at Comix!!

Who's more Bored & beautiful, then you on a Tuesday night?

Well, next week just got a whole lot more interesting because my good friend Mike Ellison will be preforming at famed comedy club Comix located at 353 w. 14th st. in Manhattan on Tuesday July 13th at 9:30 pm.

You are in for a treat. This kid is a scream!!
Tons of other great new talent preforming that evening as well.

Plus, you never know who will pop up and decide to do a quick set..Last time I went to see a friend's show; Jim Gaffigan jumped up and did a solid 15 minutes.

I really suggest you switch up your regular club hopping Tuesday night rounds and check this shit out.

You must call ahead and make a reservation 212.524.2500
Tell them you will be attending the 9:30pm show for Mike Ellison; to receive the reduced 10 $ cover.

There is a two drink min. but don't be a puss..bring some friends, maybe a date and get ready to have a great night. Last time I saw Mike preform, I cried laughing.

Become more cultured, get into the arts & support my favorite thing; literally make's the world go round.

Plus, Comix is right in the heart of Meatpacking; so a cocktail up on the amazing rooftop of the Gansevoort Hotel is an absolute prerequisite.

In the mood to shop while your down there? Hit up
ADAM located at

678 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10011

212-229-2838. They are open until 8pm.

Better see you there. Ready to laugh & showing off your stellar summer tan's.

To Check out the Facebook invite click here.

Invasion and fashion's of Fire Island, Fourth of July weekend!!

Check out these other AMAZING photo's from Fire Island 4th of July Weekend.

Bikini Shot

Group Shot

Dana Stylin'

Shari Sex'n it up

Lo Rock'n it

Alex killin it' in a Katherine Denby Headband

Dana in a headpeice made by Dana Boisson

Proud to be an American bikini shot!!

Flower Shop Love.

Flower Shop Love 2.

Flower Shop Love 3.

Invasion 1

Invasion 2

Invasion 3

Invasion 4

Invasion 5

Invasion 6

Invasion 7

Invasion 8

Invasion 9

Invasion 10

Invasion 11

Invasion 12

Invasion 13

Invasion 14

Invasion 15

Invasion 16

Invasion 17

Invasion 18

Invasion 19- Ariel Sinclair

Sunshine & Beach balls


Send off to the Pines